Saturday 5 January 2013

I'm Back! Update pt. 5

Florence and Rihanna's tattoos, Florence and MJ, Tim wearing my Florence wig!

Florence and the Machine (Alex and I), Tying Dina up with Selotape, Lettie and Jasper

Tiny chess, popcorn everywhere - well done Callum!, my smashed plates... 

The empty student bar, I need to get better cutlery, deciding what colour to paint my nails and getting back into beauty! 

Ring of Fire, The O2 for Mumford and Sons, Waiting in the queue for 4hrs 30mins

Freezing while waiting for Mumford!, the O2, Piff the Magic Dragon

Post War Years, Dawes, Mumford and Sons - literally the most beautiful band ever

Ben Lovett (Mumford and Sons), Snow in Harrow, Santa Livi... 

This should actually be the last in the series, which hopefully means normal update posts will be resuming after this. I hope you liked the series as I wanted to give you a little insight into what I had been doing while I hadn't been posted! 


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