Thursday 4 September 2014

Sponsored Video: Dove Advanced Hair Series

Affordable haircare is forever up my street. I'm not sure what it is but there's something I just can never quite justify when spending money on something I use daily like shampoo and conditioner. I'm not saying I don't ever treat myself to haircare because we all know that'd be a massive lie but I'm awful, and I wash my hair everyday so it just feels like I'm washing away all of the money, if you get my drift? 

Dove have recently launched their new Advanced Hair Series targeted at different hair concerns and after watching the first video the Oxygen Moisture range sounds right up to my street and I can see myself popping to the shop to get my hands on some. I'm not hoping for miracles, just something that'll leave my hair feeling great every day I use it, but you never know, perhaps it'll get me and I'll fall in love... Who knows?! 

I used to be obsessed with some of the other Dove products in their haircare range, the Intensive Repair Express Conditioner Treatment was an absolute favourite and so I definitely have high hopes for this range... 

Have you tried any of the products from the Dove Advanced Hair Series yet?

Lorna x

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