Thursday 21 June 2012


Denim Jacket - Primark    T-shirt - Topshop    Skirt - Zara    Sandals - Topshop    Belt - ASOS    Bag - Accessorize     
Nail Polish (Toes) - Models Own Beth's Blue

This is what I'm wearing to the airport to go to Zante! This is a scheduled post as I didn't think I'd  have time to take the pictures and post and so I thought I'd show you anyway. I wanted to wear something that would be warm enough for England for getting to the airport, while I'm there and the flight there and then something that wouldn't be too much for when I get there (even though I do get there at about 4am!)

I love this skirt so much! It's actually so unlike anything I'd usually wear but I'm in love. It's quite sheer and has the smaller underskirt underneath to protect my modesty! I love this, although it is slightly too long for me so I have to roll it up once at the top but this is easy enough to cover up - which I do with my belt. 

I've had these sandals for so long, they're so comfy and look lovely! They are pretty much on their last legs but I still plan to wear them to the airport as I think they actually look so much better with this outfit than the black ones that I was planning to wear did. 

I really wish I had a cropped denim jacket as I would definitely be wearing that instead of this jacket. I do like it, I just think a cropped one would look better. I actually put this jacket in my wardrobe for about a year unworn and have recently discovered it again. I love doing this!

The flight is going to be about 3 and a half hours long and so I doubt I'll wear that much make-up and since it's at night I really don't want to have too much on my skin as flights are usually quite drying. It's likely I'll just wear my usual concealer, eye liner and mascara look. 

I've scheduled posts for while I'm away so keep an eye out for those. I've also got my first video coming tomorrow! Let me know what you think. 

What do you usually wear to the airport? 



  1. I love that bag, at first sight I thought it may be Zara! Accessorize have some amazing bags, one of my favourites is from there and people always ask me if its designer! x

    1. It's really lovely looking. although it's not perfect, it's got one of those material insides that doesn't make use of all of the space that it could. thought i'd be okay with it, but unfortunately i'm not. on the hunt for another bag for uni! x


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