Friday 14 August 2015

Hair Masks I'm Currently Using

Hair masks is something I've only recently got into. My hairs been feeling a bit dry since I had it dyed at Mowgli and after constant mentioning of how good the LUSH hair masks are by my friend Michaela, I decided it was about time I dipped into my stash and gave the ones I had a go. I always thought it was an extra step that I didn't need to do. I had super soft hair anyway so why would I want to make it any softer? It was already really difficult to work with and so I really didn't. 

My mind has swiftly been changed and that's down to the Windle and Moodie Intense Treatment Masque* and the Richard Ward Intense Argan Age-Proofing Hydrating Treatment*. You pop these on after washing your hair and leave for an extended amount of time. Sometimes I leave it on longer to make sure it really has time to work its magic, where as sometimes I'll use it for a shorter period as a quick fix. These are great for that - they hydrate my hair and honestly I really notice the difference. If you dye your hair and want to start getting back towards that pre-dyed super soft hair then trust me, these will help you along the way. It feels like a treat, they smell incredible and they really do make the difference. A necessary step in my pamper routine that I just can't see going anywhere. 

What are your favourite hair masks? 

Lorna x

1 comment:

  1. I have actually never tried a hair mask before! But after reading this I think that I want to give them a try.
    Ana | RavishingRoses


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