Sunday 13 October 2013

W7 Dot to Dot Nail Parlour

I have always said that I wanted to get myself a nail dotting tool, but it was always just one of those things I never got around to picking up as either I would forget (which is generally the case) or it would be more than I wanted to pay - who needs to spend a lot more on a big branded one when you can pick one up from W7 for so cheap with 3 mini polishes included too?!

This set is beautiful, I am so in love with the colours - the pinks are super bright which is right up my street. I love the size of the polishes, which some people may not love, but I find that I'd never get through a large polish, sometimes I'd never even get through a mini one so small polishes like this are much more suited to beauty hoarders like me... W7 polishes aren't the greatest quality but that isn't what you buy them for - you buy them for their beautiful colour range. They do the job, they colour your nails and honestly I can't qualm that! 

The dotting tool works great, I'm a really clumsy person when it comes to doing my nails - honestly you should see the process I take to do it and make it look okay; and that's just painting the base colour! II was sat down with my friends the other week and they were painting their nails using some from my rather extended collection... I already had mine painted a lovely green shade from Nails Inc. and decided to add a bit on top. I wasn't really sure where they were going to go and what I wanted to do, but they ended up being themed to one of my housemates - Dina - a little in joke so won't bore you with the details! 

You can see the little flowers I did using the dotting tool! I'm a bit stuck for what else I can do with it, I've done dots all over the nail to look like polka dots - but it didn't turn out so good, practice makes perfect though and I'll definitely be giving it another go! 

What are you're favourite designs to use with a dotting tool? 

Lorna x


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  1. What a great set, I use a pin for dots at the moment! It would be great to have a proper tool, will keep my eyes out for these :)

    Helen x

    1. This is definitely worth picking up! So affordable :)

  2. This looks so cool, lovely review xx

  3. I think this looks like such a lovely little nail set, I would have no idea what to do with it design wise because I'm rubbish with nails, but I can see it being a sweet little gift!

    Jennie xo |

    1. I totally agree, hence the 'joke' nails. Don't know how I'd use this normally!

  4. such a great set:) I definitely need a good dotting tool

  5. Omg I have this but in the colours black,white and red :) I really loved this !!

  6. This looks amazing! what a bargain :) xx


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