Friday 24 October 2014

Out With The Old, In With The New

Today marks a big day for my little place on the internet. Studs and Dreams, the blog I've been working on for the past two years has had a long awaited makeover and honestly I couldn't be happier, which is just why I felt that writing this post was extremely necessary. 

It feels like I've been running Studs and Dreams for a long time but at the same time, I can remember the day I didn't. So much has changed. I feel like there's so many things I could say in this post, so many things I want to say, but I'm finding it really hard to put into words and for me, a blogger, that's a very strange ol' concept. 

I'm so thankful for all the bloggers before me, for inspiring me to do this. If there weren't any Zoella's, Essie Button's or Gh0stparties of the world then this blog probably wouldn't be a thing. I wouldn't be here today writing this blog post, looking back and looking forward at whats to come. I wouldn't be this excited about my new design. I definitely wouldn't have done a little squeal when it finally went live and finally I wouldn't be excited about all of the new content I'm going to be creating. I feel so inspired. 

Things have changed and I'm probably totally different to how I used to be, but having this site as a hobby, and something I love doing, and something I feel so passionate about is amazing and I honestly cant imagine not having it there. 

I spend so much time blogging and making videos (this is actually something I never thought I'd get the hang of, but I am so excited about this new outlet to show content in a more visually exciting way... and of course, I bloody love doing it!) I don't think that time is a factor a lot of people realise that blogging and YouTubing can take but we're all that passionate about it that that time for us, is spent wisely and honestly, I'm speaking for all bloggers here, we wouldn't want to spend it any other way. 

I'm not saying I've always been amazing at posting. I've only just got the hang of a 'routine', which by the way, you can expect a new post every Monday, Wednesday and Friday with a new video every Sunday. Exciting!

I've had so many amazing opportunities out of doing this, and I take that as a little pat on the back for working so hard. I've made amazing friends, great contacts, found new passions, new favourite products and I got a job! I am so thankful for all of these things and I honestly cannot wait to carry on my little internet journey. 

Last up, I'm going to give a little mention to why I'm actually writing this post. I didn't just feel like being uber soppy for no reason. My new design. As you can see from the images at the top of the post, it's quite a change and I'm really excited for that. I've had my original design, albeit with a few changes here and there, from the beginning. This design has been a long time coming and I finally got here with a little help from the amazing blog designer pipdig

I designed the header myself but the rest I'll put down to them. If you ever need a site design, then I honestly wouldn't recommend anyone else. I've been burned in the past on the blog design front so I know what it feels like to be disappointed, but this was anything but.... I mean, it must be alright if I'm showing you this post from my brand spanking new design today right?!

Okay, I'll stop now... I feel like I could write for ages. A massive pool of blabber, and not really know what I'm saying. A little of nothing, a little of everything... I don't know. 

I'm going to stop being soppy... and just say a little thank you for stopping by. If you've gotten this far, and are reading this post then it really means a lot, so thank you. Really thank you. 

Please let me know your thoughts on my new design, I'd love to know what you think!

Lorna x



  1. Lorna what a lovely post! I love your new design. The layout is so clean and the colours in the header are so pretty. Your routine sounds great and I'm so glad you're inspired.

    Well done and enjoy!

    Holly xx

  2. LOVE your new layout, it's absolutely gorgeous!

    Catherine xx

  3. I LOVE your new design! It's so elegant and pretty! I'm actually in the process of re-designing my blog so this has given me some inspiration! xx

    Naomi Joy -

  4. LOVE your new design girrrl! :)

    Naomi xx

  5. I absolutely love the new design, it looks great! xx


  6. I absolutely love your new design, well done! x

  7. Love the new design, I'm trying to get mine revamped at the moment, just looking for someone who can do it really. KBxx

  8. Aw, love the fusion of funk with elegance. Truly love your blog design. It is so clean and welcoming.

    D. x


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